why choose myoflex®


Myoflex® has 3 different formulas with an effective key ingredient.

Myoflex® is menthol free

Myoflex® is a effective alternative to oral pain relievers

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Tests show that Trolamine salicylate* is effective in reducing pain and stiffness felt in sore muscles after strenuous exercise.1

This suggests that regular application of this odour-free, nongreasy analgesic cream can prove beneficial to physical therapy patients. 1

*Active Ingredient in Myoflex® Regular, Myoflex® Extra Strength & Myoflex®  Max Strength.

Myoflex® as an alternative

Myoflex® is a topical pain reliever is an ideal substitute for patients that cannot take oral analgesics due to gastrointestinal, cardiovascular or kidney problems.

Health Canada Safety Review

Health Canada has recently released a safety review which warns consumers about the potential risk of serious skin burns from using over-the-counter topical pain relievers containing menthol, methyl salicylate or capsaicin.

Myoflex® does not contain any of the ingredients listed in the safety review.

Myoflex® Maximum Strength

Maximum amount of a pain reliever* available in an analgesic rub for arthritic or rheumatic pain. Also ideal for backache, lumbago (low back pain), neck ache, strains and sprains.

Myoflex® Extra Strength

Provides relief of aches and pains of muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments usually occurring from activites such as running, swimming, biking, and contact sports.

Myoflex® Regular Strength

Provides deep penetrating relief of muscle soreness caused by everyday activities like cleaning, mowing the lawn, lifting boxes, gardening, painting walls etc.


1 Hill, David W. and Richardson, JD. “Effectiveness of 10% Trolamine Salicylate Cream on Muscular Soreness Induced by a Reproducible Program of Weight Training*.” JOSPT 11:1:19-23, 1989

Maximum Strength for Maximum Performance

Find relief with Myoflex® Maximum Strength!